Battalion Command and Staff
Battalion Commander – C/LTC Natalia Gudino
The Battalion Commander (BC, CDR) commands the battalion under the supervision of the Senior Army Instructor and the Army Instructor. The CDR is responsible for all that the battalion does or fails to do. The CDR is also responsible for the training, administration, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, and the performance of the Eagle battalion. The CDR sets the example for the Battalion in appearance, attitude, conduct, bearing, tact, discipline, and performance.
Battalion Executive Officer – C/MAJ Andre Le
The Cadet Battalion (BN) Executive Officer (XO) is the Chief of Staff. The XO supervises, directs, and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to ensure that the battalion commander's desires are understood and achieved. The XO keeps the staff informed of the commander's policies and keeps the cadet Battalion Commander informed of the status of the projects that have been assigned to the staff. The cadet BN XO assumes command of the battalion in the absence of the cadet Battalion Commander.
Battalion Command Sergeant Major – C/CSM Amaniah Agha
The Battalion (BN) Command Sergeant Major (CSM) is the Battalion's senior Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO). The BN CSM is the Battalion Commander's senior advisor concerning all NCOs and enlisted cadets' matters within the battalion. The BN CSM makes recommendations to the Battalion Commander concerning promotions, reductions, awards, and any problems encountered within the battalion. The BN CSM is responsible for the training and coordination of the Color Guards and for convening the Cadet of the Quarter Board.
Battalion S-1 – C/CPT Celeste Witmer
The battalion S1 (Adjutant), is the principal staff officer for all matters concerning human resources including personnel readiness, personnel services and headquarters management. Provides administrative support for the battalion. Prepares and maintains unit strength reports, rosters and records. Responsible for battalion bulletin boards and photo displays. Plans, organizes and supervises the execution of battalion awards ceremonies, change of command ceremonies, commissioning ceremonies and social events. Receives operational control of any special project committees as directed by the commander.
Battalion S-2 – C/CPT Matthew Halter
The Battalion S2 (Security), is responsible for all security for the battalion. The S2 is responsible for the security and accountability of high-value items and weapons. The S2 is also responsible for signing weapons in and out of the arms room and other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, battalion executive officer, or the instructor staff.
Battalion S-3 – C/1LT Karsyn Camfield
The Battalion S3 (Operations and Training), prepares the weekly training schedule, inspects cadet training for compliance, and maintains the training portion of the cadet records. The S3 is responsible for the preparation and publication of all training schedules and training reports to include operation orders and movement orders and other duties as assigned by the battalion commander, battalion executive officer, or the instructor staff.
Battalion S-3 – C/SGM Daniel Barras
Battalion S-4 – C/1LT Kellin Hoepfner
The Battalion S4 (Logistics) is responsible for the maintenance, record-keeping, issue, and turn-in of all U.S. Government property. The S4 creates and maintains the JROTC Clothing and Equipment Record for each cadet and ensures that they have all the necessary items required for the uniform. The S4 conducts periodic inventories of the supplies and equipment in the supply room and maintains the supply room in a neat and orderly fashion at all times.
Battalion S-5 – C/2LT Julian Aldana
The Battalion S5 (Public Relations and Historian), is responsible for publishing the monthly cadet newsletter in order to keep parents and the school administration informed of the activities of the battalion and for coordinating with the local newspapers and the school newspaper of noteworthy articles. The S5 is responsible for developing the battalion's recruiting plan for the upcoming year. The S5 is also responsible for maintaining the unit history and production of the 'End of Year' video. The S5 keeps the bulletin boards updated and is also responsible for the battalion's social media and website.
Battalion S-6 – C/CPT Maya Jolivet
The Battalion S6 (Special Project Officer), is responsible for planning and coordinating special projects as outlined by the cadet battalion commander, XO, or instructor staff. Track all cadet merits, demerits, and disciplinary actions. Track and collect permission forms, create permission forms, and ensure accountability for all permission forms.
Alpha Company
Alpha Company Commander – C/CPT Annabel Henry
The Company Commander (CO, CDR) commands the Company under the supervision of the Battalion Commander, Senior Army Instructor, and the Army Instructor. The CO, CDR is responsible for all that the Company does or fails to do. The CO, CDR is also responsible for the training, administration, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, and the performance of the Company. The CO, CDR sets the example for the Company in appearance, attitude, conduct, bearing, tact, discipline, and performance.
Alpha Company First Sergeant – C/1SG Dylan Abel
The Company First Sergeant is responsible for Company formations, submits absentee reports to the Battalion Sergeant Major, checks all merits and demerits with the Company Commander before submitting them to the S-1, and keeps the Company Commander informed on all matters pertaining to health and welfare of the unit.
Bravo Company
Bravo Company Commander – C/CPT Sadie Rosado
The Company Commander (CO, CDR) commands the Company under the supervision of the Battalion Commander, Senior Army Instructor, and the Army Instructor. The CO, CDR is responsible for all that the Company does or fails to do. The CO, CDR is also responsible for the training, administration, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, and the performance of the Company. The CO, CDR sets the example for the Company in appearance, attitude, conduct, bearing, tact, discipline, and performance
Bravo Company First Sergeant – C/1SG Shaun Smith
The Company First Sergeant is responsible for Company formations, submits absentee reports to the Battalion Sergeant Major, checks all merits and demerits with the Company Commander before submitting them to the S-1, and keeps the Company Commander informed on all matters pertaining to health and welfare of the unit.